Million Lyrics Privacy Policy
    Million Lyrics, and its advertisers and affiliates are deeply committed to protecting the privacy of Internet users. Below is information outlining our continued support for the responsible management of consumer information.

Consumer Information:
    During the process of delivering an ad to you, Million Lyrics does not collect any personally identifiable information about you such as name, address, phone number, or e-mail address. However, Million Lyrics does obtain some types of non-personally identifiable information such as the Internet Service Provider you use to connect to the Internet, your browser type, or the type of computer operating system you use (Macintosh or Windows, for example). The information collected by Million Lyrics is used for the purpose of targeting ads and measuring ad effectiveness on behalf of our advertisers.
    In some cases, you may voluntarily provide personal information in response to a specific ad (this ad may ask you to fill out a survey or provide your zip code). If this does occur, Million Lyrics may collect this information on behalf of an advertiser. This information is used by an advertiser to respond to your request. In addition, Million Lyrics may combine this information with other users' information and review it in an aggregate form to understand the type of individuals who view a specific type of ad or visit a particular kind of website.

Data Collection and Opt Out:
    Million Lyrics, as well as most sites on the Internet, use "cookies" to enhance your experience on the web. Million Lyrics cannot use these cookies to personally identify you in any way. What are cookies and why do we use them? A cookie is a unique number that is provided to you the first time Million Lyrics serves you an ad. This unique number, which is stored in a cookie file on your computer, helps Million Lyrics target ads to you. This cookie can help Million Lyrics ensure that we don't serve you the same ad multiple times, and help our advertisers understand what you like and don't like about their offerings so that they can cater better to your needs the next time you are interested in their products or services. While we believe that cookies enhance your Internet experience by limiting the number of times you see the same ad and delivering more relevant content to you, they are not required for Million Lyrics to deliver you an ad. If you do not want the benefit of cookies, there is a simple procedure to manually delete your cookies. Please consult your web browser's Help documentation for more information.

Participation in Industry-side Privacy Initiatives:
    If you have any additional questions about Million Lyrics's dedication to consumer privacy, please contact us at